Sunday, April 26, 2009

general stuff

Going back a few weeks,  my last blog involved turkey hunting with Adam.  Since then I have scored on 2 turkeys.  Not real trophy birds.  I'm now going for the grandad of turkeydom.  Darlene and I took a 600+ mile trip last Friday and Sat.  We traveled north and west and meandered our way to Niobrara NE.  It was fairly windy and hot but felt good to get out of our routine.  A cold front passed through inn the night and Sat. morning was cold. (and windy).  We headed south and got to Norfolk and ate lunch with my Sister Sheri.  We then went to Omaha and had supper (dinner to you elites), at Omaha.  We then found our way back to Lincoln.  It was a bit frustrating trying to solve seed issues in Northern Nebraska without cell coverage.  Hope most farmers understood, but probably not.  This morning I am smoking some pork, in the rain.  Darlene is still sleeping.  I've been to starbucks and read through the paper.  Not sure what today will bring.  I was going to do yard work but it's going to have to dry out some.  I am happy our little grandaughter is growing and Jen is able to be up and around!!  Hope Fiona is feeling better Tara and Adam


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